Circular Cities Asia

Circular Cities Asia

Circular Cities Asia is Asia’s first innovation and knowledge platform to foster entrepreneurship that makes our urban spaces more circular. We were invited to provide a keynote interview on the 11 trends and opportunities that will drive the need for cleantech innovation.

Chamber of Commerce of Bogota

Chamber of Commerce of Bogotá

As part of this agenda Jop Blom presented a 2-hour keynote on his 20 years of experience as a social entrepreneur and the “impact Accelerator model for purpose driven high performance organizations for sustainable growth and positive impact”. This model is based on 5 key pillars of purpose, sustainability, culture, leadership and employee engagement.

The Social Entrepreneurship Summit

The Social Entrepreneurship Summit

The 2019 summit was held in Santa Marta, Colombia, with more than 120 participants, of which 70 presentations from 15 different countries and 30 participants in the fair. Jop Blom was invited as one of the opening keynotes to share his 20 years experience and view on how the academic world can empower social entrepreneurship in their countries.

Nepal Herbs EU

IPD- Nepal Herbs EU

As part of the GIZ / IPD program to support exports from natural ingredients from Nepal, we set up a brand journey to Nepal to support the sector in designing a sectorial promotion marketing strategy and action plan for the trademark “Nepal Herbs” to the European market. Using our own developed Brand Canvas Strategy and[…]

Kinti Cafe

Kinti Café

By making use of the IMVO voucher we assist Kinti café with their positive impact assessment to develop their CSR strategy and positioning to their NL B2B target group of conscious consumers. Next to that we assist in general business development support and exploring (financial) partnerships to strengthen their capacity and support in sustainable production […]

Truvalu enterprises


As a Business Accelerator Expert we are responsible to source and guide investment deals in post conflict areas in Colombia in SME Agri-businesses to scale their growth and socio-economic impact.

Close the Gap

We assist them in defining their future strategy to optimise their experience and tap into new trends and developments in order to make their work and impact “future proof”. Helping Close the Gap with strategic advice, business planning and facilitiation of company sessions.