USAID is the world’s premier international development agency and a catalytic actor driving development results.
We empower sustainable entrepreneurship
beyond borders for positive impact in the world
Behold International Consulting Group
We believe in tailor made solutions and approaches. As an extension to your team, we join you to accelerate your sustainable impact in the world. Depending on your need our team of 30+ international professionals can assist you all the way from strategy to implementation, in branding & engagement, to boost climate entrepreneurship or to measure and optimize your impact:
Behold Sustainable Venture Group
Behold initiates sustainable concepts and programs and has established several sustainable companies in the Netherlands, South Africa, Colombia serving our clients worldwide.
The best way to predict a better future is to create it!
- Jop Blom, Founder Behold
Our impact
Over the last decades our passionate social entrepreneurial teams based in Europe, Africa & South America have delivered hundreds of projects in over 50 countries on 4 continents impacting the lives of millions of people worldwide.
Our latest projects
The CCE Hub Latin America
The CCE Hub Latin America is powered by PVBLIC and CleantechHUB to boost early-stage climate solutions and sustainable entrepreneurship first in Colombia, Costa Rica, and Guatemala.
Ben & Jerry’s
We support Fairtrade, a worldwide movement working to ensure that smallholder farmers in developing nations can make it in the ultra-competitive global marketplace.
We support the Global Goals with a focus on economy, climate & partnerships
Promote sustained inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all.
Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impact.
Strenthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development.
Leadership team
We have an experienced board of directors, each have been working in sustainability & impact for over two decades.
Jop Blom
Founder & Director Behold
Serial Social Entrepreneur
Amsterdam - Netherlands
Dieuwertje Damen
Director Rainbow Collection
Impact Strategy Expert
Amsterdam - Netherlands
Reinoud Willemsen
Director Behold Africa
Director Embedding Impact
Johannesburg - South Africa
Gideon Blaauw
Director Behold Latin America
Director CleantechHUB
Bogota - Colombia
We have a team of experienced sustainability & impact specialists around the globe.
Jop Blom
Founder & Global Lead
Gideon Blaauw
National Lead Colombia
Jennifer Gonzalez
Growth Lead
Angelica Diaz
Lead Tech
Eddie Ajalcriña
Lead Peru
Daniel Martínez
Partnerships Lead
Monica Avila Forero
Program Lead
Jorge Farfan
Financial Advisor
Luisa Figueroa
Partnerships & Grants Director
Juliana Fernández
Community & Climathon Coordinator
Paola Ballen
TI Analyst
Lina Andrade
Graphic Designer
Embedding Impact
Sanele Lalendle
Social Impact Consultant
Tsireledzo Mulaudzi
Social Impact Consultant
Thulisile Mahlangu
Social Impact Consultant
Kulani Mathebula
Financial Officer
Reinoud Willemsen
Methuli Mbanjwa
Masechaba Mabilu
Generous Minds
Ronald Beuk
Founder and Covestor
Sabine Beuk
Co-owner and International Lead
Brian Kwakman
Co-owner and Fundraiser
Petra Benes
Co-owner and Covestor
Jurek Hryniuk
Co-owner and Fundraiser
Rainbow Collection
Diewertje Damen
Founder & Director
Carlien Helmink
Impact Strategist
Luna Buunk
Impact Strategist
Piet Berkers
Design & Creative Concepting
Rixt Reitsma
Design Lead
Sophie Heugen
Impact Brand Manager
Koen Krommenhoek
Business Development
Marle Engbers
Impact Strategist
Margreet van Schaijck
Brand Strategist
Thijs Hoogenstrijd
Impact Strategist
Juultje de Groot
Impact | B Corp projectmanager
Our partners
300+ Projects and partnerships in 50+ countries serving our public, private, NGO, Impact Investors, dreamers & believers in sustainable entrepreneurship.
Contact us
Behold Global
Behold Global
Van Diemenstraat 124
1013 CN, Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Behold Europe
Behold Europe
Van Diemenstraat 124
1013 CN, Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Behold Africa
Behold Africa
372 - 376 Oak Avenue
Office Park A1-001,
Ferndale Randburg, 2194
Johannesburg, South Africa
Behold Americas
Behold Americas
Calle 90 No 19 – 41 - 801
Edificio Quantum. Bogotá